Agent Selection Process
Making a correct choice of Private Placement Agent is critical to issuers achieving their objectives in issuing debt in this market. This is true regardless of market conditions but can be critically important during periods of financial turbulence.
- Based on years of years of experience issuing in all types of markets, GCA personnel are ideally qualified to advise clients on selecting a placement agent.
- Prospective issuers are heavily pitched by relationship banks on their credentials and the market.
- As a result, prospective Agents keen for a mandate may not be the best source of unbiased advice.
- An independent advisor can assist in devising selection criteria specifically calibrated to your company's needs and objectives.
- An independent advisor should work with you to devise Request for Proposal ("RFP") procedures that insure each prospective agent is provided the same opportunity to demonstrate the ability and expertise to bring your company to market in a professional, cost effective way, while achieving key pricing, structure, covenant and investor relationship objectives.